2024 Board Elections

NOMINATIONS for 2024 officers will posted on the wall next to the front door on Oct 21, 2023. In order to serve on the 2024 board, candidates must be 2024 paid members and meet all membership requirements (age 55+, member of the Oroville Senior Citizens etc). Please let a member of the nominating committee (Teresa Carr, Tish Jeter or Marilyn Perry) know if you are willing to have your name on the ballot.

ELECTION for 2024 Board of Directors will be held, Tuesday, November 21st from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM at the front desk of the dining room at the CENTER.

Must be a paid 2023 member to vote for officers.

Please allow your name to be put forward if you have a willingness to serve. The Center cannot run without volunteers in these positions. Let your voice be heard!


Senior News 10.19.23


Senior News 10.12.23