Senior News 10.26.23

Backroom Renovations begin on Oct 24,2023!

Board members and three strong and willing laborers emptied the backroom on Oct 18 to prepare for the renovation. The best news is we have been informed that work will begin on Tuesday Oct 24 and this puts us a week ahead of the prior schedule. You never know how necessary all the work is until everything is removed. Thank you to all for your patience through this process. There is no doubt it will be worth the wait!

Remember that the nomination form has been posted for next years’ board election. We need board members that are willing to attend both the Board and the General Membership meetings each month. Not only are your decisions important in keeping OSC “alive and kicking”, but your labor is needed and appreciated. This was evident during the cleanout of the backroom.

Menu for Thursday Oct 26 - Fish and Chips with Coleslaw; Friday Oct 27 - Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy; Monday Oct 30 - Honey Mustard Chicken with Wild Rice; Tuesday Oct 31 - Tuna Noodle Casserole and Spiced Salad; Thursday Nov 2 - Shepherd’s Pie and Caesar Salad. Effort to provide the meals as planned are a priority and substitution is only as needed due to product not being available at time of delivery. Confirmation of the day’s menu is available at 476-2412 after 9:30 AM.

Pinochle scores for Sat Oct 14 were HIGH: Ted Paris, LOW: Darlene Firpo. Scores for Sat Oct 21 were HIGH: Rena Bedient, LOW: Lani Thompson and DOUBLE PINOCHLES: Len and Darlene Firpo.

Devi Clark ~  OSC Reporter


Senior News 11.02.23


Senior News 10.19.23