Senior News 06.01.23

As the weekly meals are such an integral part of the Oroville Senior Citizens, we are pleased that OCTN meal service is back to three days a week beginning Jun 6, 2023. On Tuesday June 6: Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Applesauce, Garlic Bread and Oatmeal Cookies will be served.  Meals are served at noon and are open to the public.  Suggested donation for seniors 60 and over is $4.00 and fee for persons under 60 is $10.00 per meal.

Please plan to attend lunch on June 13 as Lisa from Aging and Adult Care will be on hand to give updates on services available to seniors.  She will be also be available to answer your questions.

Our general membership meeting will be held Tuesday June 20 and members are encouraged to attend. 

Our yard and bake sale is scheduled for June 24th.  We need bakers and volunteers to make this another successful fund raising event.  Please let Teresa or Pam know if you can help with baking!

Pinochle scores for May 27 are HIGH: Lynda Rice and Ted Paris stayed partners at the head table all evening so they tied for high with scores of 5420 each. They also shared two double pinochles which gave their scores a very nice boost. No report of who got LOW. 

Please see our social media sites to keep up to date and contact with the center can be done through our email address

Devi Clark ~ OSC Reporter


Senior News 06.08.23


Starting June 6 OCTN lunches 3 Days a week!