Senior News 11.23.23

Oroville Senior Center is closed Nov 23 and Nov 24 for Thanksgiving

Oroville Senior Center is thankful for the many monetary blessings we have received from individuals and businesses, the labor and materials provided by individuals and businesses that improved our facility, OCTN who provides the staff and meals for our center, Steve and staff who prepare our meals and keep our kitchen so clean, Aging and Adult who stepped in with the purchase of a new Freezer and Refrigerator and their help with purchasing new dining room chairs, our members who have stayed involved and last but not least our board members and their spouses who have dedicated much time and effort to make OSC viable for the future.

We rely heavily on the generosity of our members and our community. As everyone is aware, the costs of electricity, propane, city water, garbage, and general maintenance and supplies are a real drain on our bank account. Fundraising does bring some financial relief but donations insure that we keep the doors open and the lights on. Please remember OSC when looking for your charitable year end giving.

Menus for Monday Nov 27 - Baked Fish Fillet with Wild Rice and Spinach Salad; Tuesday Nov 28 - Swedish Meatballs with Egg Noodles and Caesar Salad; Thursday Nov 30 - Parmesan Chicken and Pasta Marinara with Green Salad.

Pinochle scores for Nov 18 were HIGH: Ted Paris and Darlene Firpo, LOW: Lani Thompson, and DOUBLE PINOCHLES: Ted Paris and Darlene Firpo.

Seen Locally: May our lives be full of THANKS and GIVING. I think it says it all.

Devi Clark ~  OSC Reporter


Senior News 11.30.23


Senior News 11.16.23